Waterproof Metallic #Racer #Totes
NWT magenta pink or titanium silver #neoprene
black and white #checks
by #ShoreAndSkyline
#beach #baby #birthday #bachelorette #bag #gift
- 21” shell-shaped closed tote
- snap opens 24” wide open
- 9” paracord drop
- #waterproof inside & out
- #wipeable #washable durable & #light
- coordinate detachable zip pouch
- structured baseboard
#Prix #Hot #Pink #Racer
metallic #Miami #magenta pink
b&w racer checks all the way around
(black neoprene interior)
w/ baseboard & zip pouch
#Titanium Disco Racer
metallic titanium #silver
#black & #white #racing checks w pink border stripe all the way around
(black neoprene interior)
w/ structured baseboard & pouch)
Cute as can be rain, snow or sippy cup spill friendly…
ShorelineChica #shopify
#beach #ski #boat #gear / #birthday #present / #baby #bag / #bachelorette #party favors / #BlackPink #WorldTour #GNO tote / #pool #lake #river #ocean towel #bag / water friendly whether sippy cup spills or snowboarding at the cabin #dance #gym #bag #ski catch all #Blackpink #concert #present #nascar #f1 #indy500 #travel #petals2themetals #purse